Fiber Laser Pipe cutting Machine Baykal BLT-3D series
Pipe cutting machine Baykal Fiber – Polteknik thermal cutting machines
Technical data:
Machine construction: Source type fiber nLight or IPG
Resonator power: 1000W, 2000W, 3000W, 4000W
Control Unit: CNC Beckhoff
Servo-drive: Beckhoff
Max length of pipe: 6100 mm
Min. feed length: 2000 mm (automatic mode)
Min. / Max. pipe diameter: Ø16 / Ø214 mm
Min. / Max. square diameter: 16×16 mm / 214×214 mm
Max. weight of the pipe: 40 kg/m
Min. wall thickness: 0,8 mm
X axis speed: 90 m/min
Z axis speed: 50 m /min
Acceleration: 1,0 G
Absolute positioning accuracy: ± 0,01 mm
Repeatability (X and Y axis): ± 0,02 mm/m
Bevel (+/- 45°): TAK, Head LightCutter 2.0 3D
Automatic loading/unloading: option
Technology characteristics:
- cutting round pipes, oval pipes, square and rectangular profiles
- automatic loading and unloading of components
- performs 2D/3D cutting and marking
- low operating costs
- maximum working comfort and safety for the operator
- advanced touchscreen control
- simple and intuitive operation
- Lantek Flex3d advanced external software
- production based on components from renowned German and American suppliers
Contact us!
POLTEKNIK Sp. z o.o.
ul. Azymutalna 9, 80-298 Gdańsk
NIP: 5850207121
Service department
Spare parts and logistics department